Dry Creek Road Barrier Placement and “No Parking Zone” Project Begins on April 15
YAVAPAI COUNTY, Ariz. – Yavapai County, in partnership with the city of Sedona and the Coconino National Forest, will be installing a no parking zone on Dry Creek Road in west Sedona. The project limits are within unincorporated Yavapai County extending north from the city of Sedona incorporated limits to the intersection of Boynton Pass Road.
The project will begin on Monday, April 15th and is expected to continue for five weeks with work occurring Monday through Thursday between 5 a.m. and 5 p.m.
The project consists of a roadside barrier installation for approximately 900 ft. on both sides of Dry Creek Rd., adjacent to the city of Sedona limits, and no parking signage for the entire length of the project limits at 150 ft. intervals.
The public is encouraged to use the free city of Sedona transit system called the Sedona Shuttle to access area trails during construction and after completion of the project; www.sedonashuttle.com.
Parking on the shoulder of Dry Creek Road will be prohibited once the project begins. This is to increase pedestrian and motorist safety, and to reduce trailhead traffic congestion.
The public should prepare for traffic delays of up to 15-minutes during the construction timeframe. Lane closures will be in place, restricting traffic to one lane with flaggers.
Please contact Yavapai County Public Works at (928) 771-3183 with any questions.