On Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Posse Grounds Pavilion, the city invites all residents to bring new, unwrapped toys to “stuff the bus” with all toys being donated to Sedona Toys for Tots. The goal is to fill a Sedona Shuttle bus with toys, which will then be distributed to Sedona families in need.
“We’re so pleased to partner with the Sedona Toys for Tots organization to help provide children some extra cheer this season. Our own staff will participate too by collecting toys at City Hall leading up to the event and then dropping them off at the bus on Dec. 6th. You can look for the Sedona Shuttle bus parked at the half-circle driveway for the Posse Grounds Pavilion, and there may even be a guest appearance by some elves to help receive and organize the gifts!” said Communications Manager Lauren Browne.
Examples of acceptable gifts include new and unwrapped games, stuffed animals, sporting equipment, books, playdough and hand-held electronics. No food or clothing items will be accepted.
“As this is the 75th anniversary of Toys for Tots, we’re excited more than ever to be the beneficiary of the city’s event, and we look forward to supporting local families this holiday with the toys we collect,” said Sedona Toys for Tots Coordinator Leonard Barrow. For more information on Toys for Tots, visit https://sedona-az.toysfortots.org