August 4, 2022: The Sedona Transit Advisory Committee (STAC) is now active! The first meeting occurred on July 20, 2022, in where the STAC elected its Chair and Vice Chair, and provided recommendations on the fare policy for the upcoming MicroTransit service (Late 2022 – Early 2023).
The second meeting of the STAC will occur on Wednesday August 24th at 10:00 a.m. MST. The meeting will be held remotely via ZOOM and the login instructions can be found on the agenda which has been posted to the main page of this website under the Administration section at the bottom of the main page.

STAC meetings are open to the general public, so you are encouraged to attend if you want to stay current with what’s happening with Sedona’s public transit system.
Also, there are still open seats on the STAC. If you are interested in becoming a member of the committee, you can apply by clicking on the link shown above.